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  • Mathematical modeling methods for parameters optimization for resource efficient washing-squeezing machines

    This article proves that the parameter that determines the energy the washing process is G-factor. The authors propose a mathematical tool defining dependencies technical performance of G-factor. It is an indicator of the effectiveness of the optimization of technical solutions of embodiment washing-squeezing machines and the basis for the fundamental analysis of typical designs.

    Keywords: washing-squeezing machines, mathematical modeling, G-factor, energy efficiency, optimization solutions.

      Methods of mathematical (geometric) modelingare often used in the current research of multivariate processes and their optimization tasks combined with traditional mathematical methods of experiment planning. This simulation is carried out by methods of descriptive geometry, its practical valueis a graphical representation of the functional relationships of the quality from factors and parameters that defines a process with number of variables more than three. Definition’salgorithmsof the optimization based on the Radishchev drawingin the article are given to ensure the visibility of images and solve certain technical problems.The graphical model of the process optimization of joining parts of garments was constructed.

    Keywords: Technological process, Optimization, Modeling, Descriptive geometry, Multidimensional space, Radischev drawing, Hyperplane, Hypersurface, Algorithm, Factors, Parameters.

  • Magnetometer with cryogenic probe

    The problem of interaction of mutually perpendicular magnetic fields in superconductors is considered. Possibility of use of a nonlinear susceptibility of superconductors for measurement of a magnetic field is shown, the assessment of sensitivity of the cryogenic probe magnetometer is carried out.

    Keywords: superconductor, magnetometer, SQUID, cryotron, the crossed magnetic fields, non-linear magnetic, cryogenic probe

  • Operando dynamics of the nanoscale atomic and electronic structure of materials for hydrogen storage

    We have carried out the analysis on the scientific and technological literature on methods of calculation and analysis of the x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption and Raman spectra used to analyse the structure of the materials for hydrogen storage under realistic operating conditions. The simulations were carried out for the series of small palladium nanoclusters with embedded hydrogen. Multiscale computer modelling was used to simulate the dynamics of structure of the materials during charge/discharge phases.

    Keywords: hydrogen storage, XANES, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, fuel cell

      The proposed approach to the study of social engineering systems to meet all their basic features. Blurred structure of social engineering system reflects the fuzzy cognitive model; Fuzzy connection effectively evaluated using weights Fishburne; "blur" element values system and its functioning is overcome by introducing linguistic variables and their term-set fuzzy classifiers.  

    Keywords: system analysis, poorly structured and poorly formalizable processes, sociotechnical systems, fuzzy cognitive modeling

  • Re-entrainment decrease in electrocyclone

    The article presents the results of experimental research of the re-entrainment reduction in the electrocyclone. The authors shows an increase in the collection efficiency of ash up to 99.5% and reduction of entrainment in 4 times when profiled elements was install  on collection electrode surface

    Keywords: gas dust cleaning, electrocyclone, re-entrainment, collection efficiency, ash from thermal power plants

  • Buckling of longitudinally compressed bars of variable stiffness creep

    The article is devoted to the stability of the polymer rods variable stiffness with the initial imperfec-tions and the development of creep deformation. The distinctive feature of the paper is a variable stiffness of the cross section and the use of fixing all, "seal-hinge" "seal, seal", "seal-free edge."

    Keywords: stability of rods, creep, highly elastic deformation, polymeric materials, coupling equation of Maxwell-Gurevich

      This article analyzes the condition of the vehicle driver by methods using data RR-interval time series implementing wavelet-transform. The results of the discrete Wavelet-transform with the Daubechies wavelet of the fourth order are considered.

    Keywords: wavelet-transform, RR-interval series, interval diagram

  • Synthesis of protein products. Receipt of black caviar

    In article possibility of reception of an artificial foodstuff, in particular, artificial black caviar, both in laboratory, and in a life with a view of creation of is minimum necessary conditions for preservation of a life and health of people in extreme situations is considered. Initial products is foodstuff with application of the harmless components applied in the food-processing industry, as dyes.

    Keywords: Caviar black, gelatin, cod-liver oil, a herring brine, , silver nitrate

    The question of increase of efficiency of the cooling process in the compression refrigerating machines and household refrigerating appliances. Describes a new original method of cooling of the condenser vapour-compression refrigeration machines, which is due to wet the surface of the capacitor with its further blow. Shows the complexity of the theoretical analysis of the proposed method of cooling and substantiated the necessity of experimental studies of the process of cooling of the refrigerant in the capacitor. 

    Keywords: compression refrigerator, evaporative a capacitor, a new method of cooling refrigerant, energy performance, the efficiency of the cooling

  • The reasons of occurrence of interval values in mathematical models of robust research the stability of control systems

    Examines the historical stages in the development  of the theory of systems research management of the uncertainties, the reasons for they arise in the mathematical  model, this is reflected in an interval values in the transfer  function of the object of control. It is proposed algorithm for obtaining experimentally the interval of values.

    Keywords: interval values, robust stability, the transfer function, parametric uncertainty, a mathematical model of the management system

  • Mathematical modeling of the process in Eshkakon storage reservoir and its practical significance

    The mathematical model of storage reservoir has been deduced. The deposition rate of particles in reservoir has been calculated. It is concluded that storage reservoir is a preliminary sedimentation tank.

    Keywords: storage reservoir, preliminary sedimentation tank, mathematical model, deposition rate

  • Research of features of influence of transport factors on ekologo-economic safety of the country

    Article is devoted to justification of approaches to research of influence of transport factors on ekologo-economic safety of the country on an example of railway transport. A basis of research is the system approach. The environmental management system on railway transport is offered for considering as set of the objects of railway transport interconnected and mutually influencing at each other and environment elements. Approaches to development of strategy of development of system of environmental management on railway transport and the directions of protection and improvement of a state of environment for service conditions of objects of a regional subsystem of railway transport are proved.

    Keywords: ekologo-economic safety, railway transport, model, strategy, environment, system approach

      The article contains geometric and computer simulation of helical surface corner cutter. When the geometric modeling shows how to get the analytical dependences for determination of envelope surface collection features both display the hyper surface in the hyper plane. Shows the polygonal model envelope and one of the sections of hyper surface. Computer solid modeling process forming opportunity of obtaining models srezaemyh layers and their quality characteristics.

    Keywords: Computer modeling, shaping, angular milling, helical surface

  • Specification of a technique of definition of a charge of drop ablation in a working zone at barbotage electrolits

    In article questions of improvement of a technique and theoretical bases of electrocatching with reference to problems of fight against drop ablation in a working zone in the conditions of galvanic production are considered.

    Keywords: electrocatching, drop ablation, working zone, barbotage, charge, drop