The article deals with the specifics of the work to strengthen the foundation. Examples of the use of synthetic materials in the construction industry are given. The sediment of the embankment at construction sites with a different index of the modulus of deformation of the synthetic material was analyzed. On the basis of the above method of production, the possibility of forecasting an algorithm for the production of a construction site under the condition of various types of soils is manifested in the purchase of operating enterprises, organizations of new enterprises, redistribution of investments in the interests of organizing and developing new products in existing production areas.
Keywords: constructive solution, strengthening of soils, base, synthetic material, polymeric material, geotextile, mound sediment, deformation module, erection, ground
This article discusses current trends in the design field. The results of the pilot survey conducted in November 2017 the aim of the study was to identify demand for services freelance designer environmental spaces in the youth environment. Describes the main functional properties of a design project, revealed of style trends and color preferences; determined a reasonable time of the execution of the design project and the average price of design services in the field of building design.
Keywords: Terehova E.V.
The paper provides summary the problems of estimating high-rise buildings to a progressive collapse. The analysis of the structure of the technique for calculating the skeleton of the building for a progressive collapse is performed. Recommendations are given on the properties of reinforced concrete carcass elements for emergency actions. An imitation simulation of the emergency response using the finite element method in calculating the building frame for progressive collapse was proposed; Modeling and investigation of the stress-strain state of individual elements of the building's frame for the effect of explosive loading; modeling and investigation of resistance to the progressive collapse of the skeleton of a high-rise building; development of constructive solutions to achieve resistance to progressive collapse.
Keywords: progressive collapse, special action, finite element method, building frame modeling, stress-strain state
It is noted that traditional technologies do not provide removal of organic substances from water, and primary chlorination leads to the formation of highly toxic halogen organic compounds in it. The perspective of using membrane technologies for water purification of surface sources based on: micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, allowing to solve the set task is shown. This was realized during the purification of the Don and Moscow rivers with the use of the biosorption-membrane method, which involves sorption on activated charcoal, biological oxidation of organic substances and filtration through the membrane. The obtained results give the basis for wide application of this method in treatment plants of small settlements, which is especially important for the south of the country, in particular, the Rostov region and the Republic of Kalmykia.
Keywords: микрофильтрация, ультрафильтрация, нанофильтрация, обратный осмос, ультрафильтрационные мембраны, биосорбционно-мембранный реактор, очистка природной воды, порошкообразный активный уголь, биосорбционно-мембранный метод, мембранное фильтрование
The article presents a comparative laboratory studies of resistance to accumulation of residual deformation of stone mastic asphalt SMA-15 and fine-grained asphalt concrete of type B
Keywords: asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt concrete mixture, rut, strength, shear resistance, stop point, the device dynamic test, the residual deformation, strengthening of pavement
One of the most important task in measuring instruments design is noise reduction. The importance of this task increases when user is unskilled. The article consist description of mail difficulties of noise-resistant blood pressure monitor and results of this work.
Keywords: blood pressure monitor, measuring instrument, medical devices, noise, filtration, software, artifact measure, diagnostics
Many complex oxides of transition metals show effect of enormous dielectric permeability. New complex layered oxides LnSr2CuTiO6,5 (Ln = La, Nd, Pr) are synthesized. Their structure by means of x-ray diffraction on the Shimadzu XRD-7000 S is investigated. Processing of XRD was carried out in the program FULLPROF-2013. The main X-ray reflexes are indicated in space group I4/mmm (№ 139). The data of the crystal-chemical analysis which are carried out taking into account a charge state and coordination environment of cations show that distortion of coordination polyhedrons is significantly reduced in series Ln = La→Nd. The unit cell parameters naturally decrease according to reduction of ionic radiuses of La→Nd. Dielectric properties of materials investigated using the universal analyzer of a frequency response Solartron 1260A in the range of frequencies 1mHz - 16МHz with a signal amplitude 500-900 mV. Increasing the dielectric constant is possible due to the charge ordering caused by uneven distribution of charge. Frequency dependences of an imaginary and real part of dielectric constant are given.
Keywords: dielectric constant , complex oxide, transition metal, perovskite, x-ray diffraction, microstructure, crystal-chemical analysis, impedance- spectroscopy, charge ordering, coordination polyhedron
The simulation of the pulsating component of the wind load on the reinforced concrete skeleton of the building by the finite element method is considered in the article. The calculation of the pulsation component of the wind load was carried out according to the procedure specified in SP20.13330.2011 "Loads and Impacts" and calculation of the pulsating component of the wind load in accordance with the recommendations of CNIISK them. Kucherenko. Based on the results of the calculations, the analysis of the results obtained and conclusions are made.
Keywords: finite element method, design scheme, vibration modes, pulsating component of wind load, building frame
The paper considers the method of experimental evaluation of the signal / noise ratio in relation to space communication systems. The basis of the high-precision evaluation method laid experimental signal / noise ratio is implemented by measuring the average number of the envelope of the additive mixture signal emissions and narrowband normal random process.
Keywords: Space communication system, command-and-measurement system, signal / noise ratio, the number of emissions, the envelope of the additive mixture, rms noise level restrictions, the sub-carrier frequency
Results of application of laser technology of processing of seeds of a spring-sown field are presented in article. Results of researches confirm positive influence of application of laser technology, selection of the optimum processing conditions of seeds of wheat therefore productivity of the processed wheat of a grade of "Irgin" increases is carried out.
Keywords: intensive technology, use of the laser, mode of behavior, laser processing, efficiency, productivity, quality of products, radiation dose, experiment
Prospects of use of induction electroheating in agriculture are considered. The simplified method of calculation of a cylindrical induction water heater with an external magnetic conductor is received.
Keywords: electroheating, induction heating, inductor, magnetic conductor, magnetic induction, design current of the inductor
In the present work a new trends in the development of absorbent materials are described. The results of calculation of scattering and reflection patterns for multilayer structures are presented. Parameters of the structures with highest absorption are evaluated. Analysis of obtained theoretical calculations is presented.
Keywords: resonance absorption, metamaterials, plasmons, nanophotonics, nanostructures, reflectance
The introduction of new standards of higher education, especially the mentality of today's youth lead to the fact that the established methods of teaching classes in high school, by the way, is still widely practiced, do not allow the full interest of students and to provide high efficiency of development of the subject. In connection with the above, great interest is holding lectures with interactive forms obucheniya.Odnoy of the most effective and low-cost training in interactive forms a lecture scheduled errors (lecture-provocation). Teach people to think, quickly analyze professional situations, to act as experts, to work in a team - all this is possible if we use different kinds of interactive activities, including this kind as to the planned lecture errors.
Keywords: systematic approach, improving the efficiency of the educational process, lecture scheduled errors, interactive activity, activation of learning and cognitive activity, technical discipline
Разработан вариант рационального проектного решения торгового комплекса «Золотой» в г. Ростове-на-Дону путем замены конструкции покрытия для увеличения шага колонн 2 этажа. Исследование напряженно-деформированного состояние элементов каркаса здания методом конечных элементов. Для оптимизации проектных решений здания торгового комплекса выполнен сравнительный расчет конструктивных схем структурных покрытий типов «Кисловодск» и «БрГТУ». Даны рекомендации по конструктивным решениям покрытия каркаса здания.
Keywords: finite element method, finite element, structural coverage, the design load combination, section, design scheme
The subject of this article is the regulation of stress - strain state in the elements of a structural coating of a unique building of technical Museum. The architectural solution of the object is made in the shape of an airplane, which the fuselage is formed by a vaulted covering with a span of 30 m, and the wings are 38 m consoles. The system of main console trusses and links between them forms the construction of a wing. Several versions of the geometric diagrams of the basic console trusses are proposed. The optimum version of the geometric diagram of construction is selected according to the results of the static calculation. The analysis of the stress-strained state of structural coating with the different variants of the connections between the basic trusses is executed according to the results of calculations for the dynamic loads.
Keywords: the regulation of stress - strain state, geometric diagram, console, structural coating, finite element method, static calculation, dynamic loads